We are creating or re-creating our daily schedule today.
If you already have one, you know that the constant flux of life means that what worked two months ago probably isn’t still working today. And if you don’t have one, now is a good time to get started. A schedule keeps you from bouncing as crazily through all the different areas of your life every time you have down time.
The best design for your schedule will depend on your personality. Some people are highly structured and need time blocks for each part of their life. Others of us are more chaotic and need an order of operations that is only loosely tied to specific time blocks, like these things happen when I wake up, these things happen after lunch, these things happen before bed. Or these things happen once a week or every other day.
Here is a download of my schedule. I have color-coded the things I learned from Flylady, Learn Do Become, and the Penny Pincher Planner. Again, I write the zone and mission of the day in my planner off the Flylady Flight Plan email.
Remember, your number one priority every single day is to get to and maintain a higher energy level so that you can overcome anxiety and depression, you can find your highest calling in life, and you can have the best positive impact on other people. That is why I have woven so many of our habits into this schedule.
If you only get through part of the morning routine and nothing else on your schedule, that is ok, tomorrow we start again. Some days are just about healing and some days are just crazy busy. That is the amazing beautiful thing about life. If we could predict and plan every moment it would be super boring. Embrace the unexpected while using your schedule as often as you can.
New Habit:
- Beginner: Create a schedule that works in your life right now and incorporates the habits where possible. You can download the schedule above as a place to start. Keep a copy by your bed so you know right where to start in the morning. You can make other copies to put up in convenient places or take a picture for your phone.
- Next Level: You have lived with your schedule for a while now, so tweak and adjust it to fit any changes in your life.
Journal: What frustrates you the most about your schedule or lack of? In what part of your life are you making your schedule work really well?