In this linked article you can read about how clutter increases depression and fatigue and stress hormones.
Over the years I have not really enjoyed the process of keeping a clean home. I found tools to help me take control of the chaos on Turns out, she can help BO’s (Born Organized) as well. Just hit the Getting Started button at the top of the page. Her babysteps for moving forward are small and bite-size. There are a lot of emails from the email list, and at first I want you to delete all but the daily flight plan until you become familiar with the steps.
There are apps to help organize the cleaning schedules from Flylady. For iphone, download the Flylady Plus app, which is free. For android, the only one I know of is the Ladyfly app; this one is 3.99. You may or may not find them useful.
Also, I recommend you keep moving forward on the personal growth steps here as well, because while you slowly take control of your home, you need to keep focusing on all areas of your life.
New Habit:
Flylady is going to give you your new habits for this step!
You have made it through the first seven steps. Record how well you are doing keeping up with the habits we have started so far.