Physical activity is important to help boost our moods. Follow this link to an article about a Harvard study linking movement to decreased depression.
We will eventually add more exercise to your routine, but for this step add a 10 minute outdoor walk to your schedule. Fresh air, vitamin D, and some cardio will help your mindset.
While you walk, practice being fully present in the moment, which is an important skill for settling our minds and emotions. Go through all of the senses: what is the temperature, do you feel wind or sun on your skin, what do you smell, can you hear specific sounds, what do you see immediately around you and in the distance? Notice the tiny flowers, the snail crossing the trail. Accept even the imperfect things around you as a perfect earth experience for right now. Notice your own footsteps, your arms swinging, the air you breathe, your heart beating. Smile.
Besides a daily walk, take those small opportunities to increase your activity level. Take the stairs, park a little farther from the store, etc.
New Habit: choose what time of day you will do your 10 minute outdoor walk.
Journal: record how it feels to be fully present, or how difficult it is for you to get into that state.