Spirituality is the search for universal truths that affect us now and forever. These truths include where we came from and why we are here. In Viktor Frankl’s classic Man’s Search for Meaning we learn that not knowing that our lives have a purpose and meaning can lead to depression and apathy.
Some people are uncomfortable with any type of spirituality, so if you need to you can skip the spiritual steps. However, know that we are not discussing religion (I am not saying religion is wrong, we just don’t discuss it here), we are exploring universal truths like love and purpose and a Higher Power. If you do skip it, it is kind of like missing leg day, you are missing out on exercising one of the important areas of your life.
Everyone has to travel their own spiritual path, so all I can do is offer my own insights, and you must ponder and search for yourself. Take into consideration, what you or I believe or say does not affect the reality of the truth that ultimately exists. Truth does not need us to believe it to be true. It just is. Our spiritual journey may take us along different paths to end up at the same final destination of complete truth, because we may not be prepared for certain truths at a given time.
Today we will explore and ponder this truth. To me there is one absolute certainty, but it may be something that you are not sure about. I absolutely believe there is a higher intelligence that has put all that we know into place and has put you purposely here for a reason. We may call it God, Allah, or Yaweh, some may choose to call it Nature, or just the Universal Energy. Whatever it is to you, the existence of this conscious intelligence is to me a fact.
The biggest evidence I see is our DNA. A strand of DNA is a long chain of code, the program for you. There are four possible code symbols, as opposed to just two in the original binary code of computers. If we wrote out the DNA code in a normal font size, the code would fill much more than a set of encyclopedias:
There are even those who do not believe in God but do understand DNA logically who admit that evidence points to a higher intelligence that programmed our DNA. It makes some people happy to just say “Life” is intelligent, because this separates purpose from existence, gives us a Who without worrying about a Why. I use God as the title of respect, a title that means different things to different people. In my mind when I say God I usually refer to Their Majesties, a Male and Female couple. I have had experiences that lead me to believe that their overarching characteristic is Love. Again, there is an absolute truth about who/what the Divine Programmer is, but we are all on a personal journey to find that truth and it is just fine if your interpretation is different than mine:
Who wrote the Code? (not religious)
Regardless of your label, you have to marvel at the amazing program that you are, at the amazing program that a tree is (with a randomized fractal algorithm allowing for a set pattern of branches and still no two trees are the same), and on and on. To me, that level of intelligence and conscious thought means there is Someone out there who knows infinitely more about your life than you do, Someone who can help you find answers.
Today, marvel in the existence of a Great Programmer who brought this beautiful world into existence, and try to connect. Ask the simple question, Are You There?
New habit:
- Beginner: decide what works well for you to begin reaching out to the Intelligence who created you. For some this would be prayer or meditation, or reaching out with their heart while out in nature, whatever works for you. It is normal for this to be awkward and for it to take a time, weeks even. Once you are doing all of the habits regularly and are often functioning at a higher energy, you will find you more quickly connect to the Higher Power.
- Next Level: Find a time each day, maybe the first five minutes when you wake up, to reach out to this intelligence, to God, and see if you can develop some kind of connection or relationship.
What is your belief in a Higher Power or Programmer? How do you think this affects your life? How would the opposite belief affect your life? (Nothing in your journal is right or wrong, this is a safe place for any thoughts). If you want to seek out the existence of a Higher Power, record the steps you are taking and any results.