A spiritual journey is about these four things:
- Connect with God the Programmer/Creator
- Seek eternal truth (truths that apply beyond this existence or that give meaning to this program/existence)
- Becoming a being of love (which equates to becoming a high level being of light and energy)
- Finding your personal purpose in this existence
Viktor Frankl tells us in Man’s Search for Meaning that having a purpose was the difference between those who kept going in the concentration camps that he was sent to and those who gave up and let themselves die. He also related how he was able to help suicidal patients recommit to life by helping them discover their purpose.
Daily Questions
We have established a habit of daily pondering time to connect with God and learn eternal truths, we are reading daily from the Great Teachers to learn more eternal truths and about love. These things will also help us to find our own purpose, our own Why. We have other steps that will help guide us with this as well, but today we are going to add three questions to our daily praying/pondering so we can start to specifically seek out our personal mission.
- What one thing do I need to do today above all other things?
- What is my purpose for being on this planet at this time?
- What is a step I need to take right now to make sure I am on the right path to accomplish this purpose?
The answer to the first question may have nothing to do with your overall Mission and may just be something to keep your day or someone else’s day from falling apart. Don’t expect immediate answers. So many people think God is supposed to be the fairy godmother or the magic 8 ball and grant the wish or show the answer right this second and then it doesn’t work out that way and they get angry. If you can’t feel or hear the answer today, just search for a state of Patience and Love.
Here are a couple of videos that can help guide your thinking about your Why.
New Habit: We already have a daily habit of pondering/praying. Now we are adding these questions. Write them down, then post them somewhere or use them as your spiritual reading bookmark.
Journal: Write down notes of things that stand out to you as you watch these videos. Write down your thoughts at this point on your Why, or your Mission.