Meditation is a very critical step in increasing mental health, combatting issues like depression, and increasing our light energy level. I don’t think any journey toward personal growth is complete without it. However, if you are like me, this is one of the most difficult steps to really get good at. Once you have practiced for a while, it becomes very natural to slow your breathing and relax yourself. You can consciously change your state in stressful situations.
I will link you to some videos that will get you started. If you regularly practice, the next steps to improve your meditation will come to you when you are ready.
Getting Started
Guided Meditation vs. Self Directed
It might be helpful at first to use guided meditation to help you visualize or clear your mind, depending on your intent. Later you might just want calming music or sounds while you do your own process. Depending on your preference, you can search Youtube for ocean, bird, or rain sounds, music, and more.
New Habit:
- Beginner: Find a time to meditate for ten minutes each day, or even once in the morning and once at night.
- Next Level: Once you have gotten into the habit, you might want to increase the time that you are meditating each day. I would suggest working up to a thirty minute session at least once a week.
Journal: Record how your meditation skill is changing. You might write down how difficult it is to stay focused at first, and then record your progress as it gets easier and you see its impact on your life.