Our modern diet is sorely lacking in nutrients that can affect our mental and emotional health along with our physical state. Here are a few suggested supplements that you may or may not benefit from (and I am not a nutritional expert, these are just what I have found helpful), but I would suggest researching any health complaints you do have and find the things that you can try out to help you. Just an FYI, I love doctors and all the things they can do and the fact that they encourage us to eat a healthy diet, but they do not study nutrition in any kind of depth unless they choose to do so on their own. You are the master of your health, do the research, or reach out to true nutritional experts (ask what and how long they studied).
If there were only one habit I could go back and tell younger me to work on, it would be this one. That is how much it has influenced my life. These supplements are what help me, and the brands I use. I have included affiliate links that help with this site, but you may prefer a different brand.
Omega 3
This supplement helps many people with depression. For me, it was most beneficial during bout of depression after a few pregnancies. It has several physical benefits as well.
Vitamin B
Our family discovered in the last two years that we have a genetic occurrence that makes it so that we do not process vitamin B from our food. It apparently isn’t as rare as you might think. A lack of B12 can cause tiredness and depression among other things. It is a necessary ingredient in serotonin. For our particular problem, we have to take the liquid drops under the tongue and it has to be the Methycobalamin kind. The benefits take time, so you won’t feel better for a couple of days, and if you skip it you probably won’t realize it until the next day. I feel best when I also take a liquid B complex.
A lack of iron, or anemia, even a small amount, can lead to fatigue and irritability. For me it feels like every noise or touch is pushing my last nerve. Because too much iron can lead to headaches or worse, I like to take the slow release when I know I need it. I can feel the relief within 30 minutes.
Vitamin D
Do you get the winter blues? The lack of this vitamin might be one reason. Besides depression low vitamin D can lead to fatigue, aches, and longer lasting illnesses.
New habit:
- Beginner: research which supplements might help you with your health. It might take some trial and error, but the relief from getting the proper nutrition is very worth it.
- Next level: choose a time in your schedule to take your supplements. It is easier to establish a new habit by piggy-backing it to another habit. You will find it easier to remember to take yours as part of a bedtime routine or a meal.
Write down the supplements you are trying and any effects you notice.